Saturday, April 6, 2013

Since the announcement of the PlayStation 4 console Sony has delivered...

Since the announcement of the PlayStation 4 console Sony has delivered news on their next-gen console sparingly, giving many gamers reason to believe the unveiling of the will be at this year?s E3 event, although sources say that Sony are planning this big reveal prior to the event. This means we could possibly see the new system either this month or next, so those concerned with what it will look like can give up speculating.

To be fair, many gamers are uninterested in what the actual console looks like, as the features are of more concern considering it is just an outer shell or a box to some. In an article on PC Gamer they give us cause to expect the PS4 reveal sometime soon, according to a source close to Sony?s marketing strategy.

Some of the PS4 specs have already been divulged along with the console?s controller, and gamers are now calling to see more, especially the PS4 console design. Others expected some form of fresh information about the PS4 at last week?s Game Developer Conference, but nothing of any real substance came to light.

Many feel that May could be a revealing month as the next-gen Xbox could also be revealed at the same time, although there are concerns whether both companies would be better off using the E3 event as the ideal place to show off the new consoles. With this in mind, it is worth considering other reveals that the event could be used for like a specific launch date as well as the price and more games.

While many are hoping Microsoft and Sony reveal their consoles, prices and launch date soon, this would be ideal for both companies to focus on new titles, gameplay and features at E3. Do you feel that the hype surrounding Sony?s next-gen console is starting to overshadow Microsoft?s Xbox 720?


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