Sunday, April 14, 2013

Not Your Ordinary Home for Birds - Hancock Wildlife Foundation

Friday, April 12 2013 @ 06:24 PM EDT

Contributed by: MaryF

Wildlife News

Jay Wexler of Boston University School of Law on April 11, 2013

A Resident of the Iowa Tribe's Aviary Relaxes Photo by Jay Wexler

Gracie was having a good day.? This was unusual.? Much of the time, she hangs out alone in a corner of the football-field length shelter she shares with a dozen or so other birds, enjoying looking at herself in a little mirror perhaps, but not doing much else.? Not that anyone can really blame her.? Since being hit by a car, she?s been blind in one eye and has such shoulder pain that she often keeps her head almost upside down to get some relief.? But on the day we met, Gracie was out of her corner, hopping sideways like a crab, staring me down with her one good eye as I crooned, ?Hello, Gracie,? to her over and over like a goofball.


Read the rest of the story here:



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