Monday, February 18, 2013

Adherence & Retention: Evidence for and examples of antiretroviral adherence support and retention in care strategies in South Africa


Started by Alasdair Reid on 17 Feb 2013

Dear Members,
South Africa has now started over 1.9 million people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy and in the recent HIV counselling and testing campaign over 13 million people were tested for HIV and 2.1 million people were found to be HIV positive. South Africa is facing a major challenge to support adherence for the rapidly increasing number of people on ART and ensure retention in care for those who are found to be HIV positive but not yet eligible for ART. The South African National Department of Health is revising its HIV treatment and care guidelines and wants to carry out a reveiw of adherence support and retention in care strategies in South Africa. I would be gateful if members could share any experiences, published or unpublished, of adherence support and retention in care strategies from South Africa - either successful or otherwise. We are particularly interested in hearing about smaller scale community based interventions that may not be published. In addition South Africa will transition this year to a fixed dose combination regimen for first line therapy and we would be interested to hear experiences from other countries who have undergone the same transition, particularly in terms of the implications for patient and community education.
Many thanks for your suggestions.


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