Thursday, February 28, 2013

February Immigration Headlines | Legal Language Services

February?s immigration headlines focus heavily on immigration reform in the US.

The debate on immigration reform has extended to rights for same-sex couples, and whether or not US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was right to cease detention of ?several hundred? immigrants undergoing deportation proceedings.

February?s immigration headlines also included a Guatemalan Grammy-winner visiting the US on an immigration-inspired tour, and the Singaporean government?s plans to increase their population by up to 40 percent via immigration.

1. Immigration Policy Affects Same-Sex Married Couples

Generally, marriage between an American and a foreign national opens the door to a green card, or lawful permanent residence. This does not include same-sex couples, however, despite the fact that they may legally marry in nine states.

President Obama?s plan for immigration reform would give US citizens the ability to sponsor same-sex spouses for immigration.

Some conservative religious organizations object to this. They instead wish to uphold the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as a union solely between a man and a woman.

2. ICE Releases ?Several Hundred? Detained Immigrants

The media have been buzzing about the government?s release of immigrants who are undergoing deportation proceedings. However, these immigrants are not exempt from the proceedings?they are simply no longer being physically detained by ICE.

ICE cites budget cuts as the reason for the decision. Instead of spending $122 per bed per day, detention alternatives include electronic ankle-bracelet monitoring, telephone monitoring, and compulsory scheduled check-ins at a local ICE office.

3. Guatemalan Pop Star Visits Arizona on Immigration Tour

Ricardo Arjona, Guatemalan Grammy-winner, brought his pro-immigration tour to Arizona on Feb. 26. The Keeping Families Together Story Tour concentrates on families separated because of immigration policy. The tour also has stops in California, Nevada, New York and Florida.

In 2005, Arjona?s song ?Mojado? (English translation??Soaked?) commemorated undocumented immigrants.

4. Singaporean Government Plans to Increase Immigration, Natives Protest

In Singapore, the government is looking to compensate for a declining birth rate with an increase in immigration. By 2036, the current population of just over five million may expand to nearly seven million.

Native Singaporeans are protesting, and recently hosted one of the largest demonstrations in the nation?s history.

The majority of arrivals to Singapore are wealthy Chinese immigrants. While these immigrants create jobs for many Singaporeans, there is also a negative stigma associated with them. Some native Singaporeans feel that the newcomers have little regard for the country?s laws and traditions.

Below, share with us your opinions on February?s immigration headlines.


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Linking insulin to learning: Insulin-like molecules play critical role in learning and memory

Feb. 26, 2013 ? Though it's most often associated with disorders like diabetes, Harvard researchers have shown how the signaling pathway of insulin and insulin-like peptides plays another critical role in the body -- helping to regulate learning and memory.

In addition to showing that the insulin-like peptides play a critical role in regulating the activity of neurons involved in learning and memory, a team of researchers led by Yun Zhang, Associate Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, show that the interaction between the molecules can fine-tune how, or even if, learning takes place. Their work is described in a February 6 paper in Neuron.

"People think of insulin and diabetes, but many metabolic syndromes are associated with some types of cognitive defects and behavioral disorders, like depression or dementia," Zhang said. "That suggests that insulin and insulin-like peptides may play an important role in neural function, but it's been very difficult to nail down the underlying mechanism, because these peptides do not have to function through synapses that connect different neurons in the brain"

To get at that mechanism, Zhang and colleagues turned to an organism whose genome and nervous system are well described and highly accessible by genetics -- C. elegans.

Using genetic tools, researchers altered the small, transparent worms by removing their ability to create individual insulin-like compounds. These new "mutant" worms were then tested to see whether they would learn to avoid eating a particular type of bacteria that is known to infect the worms. Tests showed that while some worms did learn to steer clear of the bacteria, others didn't -- suggesting that removing a specific insulin-like compound halted the worms' ability to learn.

Researchers were surprised to find, however, that it wasn't just removing the molecules that could make the animals lose the ability to learn -- some peptide was found to inhibit learning.

"We hadn't predicted that we would find both positive and negative regulators from these peptides," Zhang said. "Why does the animal need this bidirectional regulation of learning? One possibility is that learning depends on context. There are certain things you want to learn -- for example, the worms in these experiments wanted to learn that they shouldn't eat this type of infectious bacteria. That's a positive regulation of the learning. But if they needed to eat, even if it is a bad food, to survive, they would need a way to suppress this type of learning."

Even more surprising for Zhang and her colleagues was evidence that the various insulin-like molecules could regulate each other.

"Many animals, including the humans, have multiple insulin-like molecules and it appears that these molecules can act like a network," she said. "Each of them may play a slightly different role in the nervous system, and they function together to coordinate the signaling related to learning and memory. By changing the way the molecules interact, the brain can fine tune learning in a host of different ways."

Going forward, Zhang said she hopes to characterize more of the insulin-like peptides as a way of better understanding how the various molecules interact, and how they act on the neural circuits for learning and memory.

Understanding how such pathways work could one day help in the development of treatment for a host of cognitive disorders, including dementia.

"The signaling pathways for insulin and insulin-like peptides are highly conserved in mammals, including the humans," Zhang said. "There is even some preliminary evidence that insulin treatment, in some cases, can improve cognitive function. That's one reason we believe that if we understand this mechanism, it will help us better understand how insulin pathways are working in the human brain."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Harvard University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Zhunan Chen, Michael Hendricks, Astrid Cornils, Wolfgang Maier, Joy Alcedo, Yun Zhang. Two Insulin-like Peptides Antagonistically Regulate Aversive Olfactory Learning in C.?elegans. Neuron, 2013; 77 (3): 572 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.11.025

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

TommieMedia - Students compete for more AARC playing time

During the winter months, cold weather forces winter sports teams to practice indoors, causing a power struggle between winter and spring sports teams with students caught in the middle.

With St. Thomas? eight winter sports teams and eight spring sports teams controlling a large portion of the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex?s availability when snow is on the ground, AARC facilities manager Dave Lepp said it can become difficult for non-student athletes to find time to reserve the AARC.

Junior Ryan Forsman practices his jump shot in the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Center. Forsman said court time during the winter months has been scarce from winter and spring activities having to practice indoors. (Trevor Walstrom/TommieMedia)

Junior Ryan Forsman practices his jump shot in the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Center. Forsman said court time during the winter months has been scarce from winter and spring activities having to practice indoors. (Trevor Walstrom/TommieMedia)

?When you?ve got eight sports teams looking for two, to two-and-a-half hours of practice time a day, you can?t make everyone happy,? Lepp said.

Even with the new complex, Lepp said students are still struggling for playing time.

?This time of year, even with this new facility, it didn?t change our problems,? Lepp said. ?But, we also have more options for students ? We have the dance studios, the better weight room and the cardio room.?

Part of the problem is that all spring sports began their practices two weeks earlier than last year, causing even more conflict over time.

Students return to campus after January Term expecting to have the same access to the AARC that they did over the fall semester. Unfortunately, this is not possible since spring and winter programs have a large period of overlap.

?When people first come back in February, they don?t realize that the whole schedule has changed,? Lepp said.

Students who aren?t prepared for this new schedule can expect a rude awakening.

?The fall is not so bad, but the spring gets pretty bad,? senior Aaron Becker said. ?It?s kind of upsetting in the afternoon when you want to play basketball. You can?t just play a pickup game. It makes it a hassle.?

While there is no limit on how much time the teams can control the AARC for, Tommie teams usually occupy it for about 11-12 hours each day in the spring, compared to about five hours a day in the fall.

The best chance to get some free time in the AARC is during the week between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

?Anytime after 3 p.m., it?s pretty booked for the rest of the night,? junior Ryan Forsman said.

One way the university tried to alleviate this problem was by remodeling McCarthy Gym in 2011. The gym?s pool was even covered with a wood floor to accommodate sports like badminton, basketball and volleyball.

Students know of this option, but would rather use the AARC.

?That?s just a pain,? Forsman said about walking down to McCarthy Gym to play.

Because the AARC is a desirable place to exercise and play, Lepp said the school is taking steps to try and keep students happy in other ways.

?We try to keep one gym open at McCarthy Gym,? Lepp said. ?That?s the recreational gym this time of year.?

One way students can assure themselves some weekly playing time is by forming or joining an intramural sports team.

St. Thomas Intramural Sports Commissioner Zack Johnson said the university offers a wide range of intramural sports and students are encouraged to join.

?Getting an intramurals league together is really quite simple,? Johnson said. ?Anybody can participate. We have more than 2,100 members signed up.?

However, while any student can participate in the intramural leagues, those teams are still taking up more time in the AARC.

?We have 70 men?s basketball teams, so that?s at least 500 guys who are actively participating,? Johnson said.

While all students help pay for the AARC, varsity sports teams will always get first choice at time in the facility.

?The varsity teams do get first priority,? Johnson said. ?That?s why they build these big facilities, they are the revenue producers.?

In the meantime, students will have to deal with the busy space.

?It makes sense that teams get first pick,? Forsman said. ?If the (field house) is busy, it kind of sucks.?

Trevor Walstrom can be reached at


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Coroner vows open inquiry into Litvinenko death

LONDON (Reuters) - A British coroner said on Wednesday he would hold an open and "fearless" inquiry into the murder in 2006 of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko after Britain asked for sensitive information about the death to be kept secret.

Litvinenko, 43, who had been granted British citizenship and had become a vocal critic of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, died after someone slipped polonium-210, a rare radioactive isotope, into his cup of tea at a plush London hotel.

At a pre-inquest hearing on Tuesday, lawyers for the British government argued information it held should be subject to a public interest immunity (PII) certificate, barring disclosure which they said would seriously harm national security.

The lawyer for Litvinenko's family argued Britain was trying to hide details of his work for its MI6 intelligence service, and material which showed Russia was behind his death, because London wanted to protect lucrative Russian trade deals.

Ties between Britain and Russia fell to a post-Cold War low in the immediate aftermath of Litvinenko's death, but British Prime Minister David Cameron has tried to improve relations and strengthen business links since coming to power in 2010.

The coroner, High Court judge Robert Owen, ruled he would go ahead with private hearings to consider the government's request, but said he would only allow material to be kept secret where that served the public interest better than disclosure.

He promised the PII request from British Foreign Secretary William Hague would be "subjected to the most stringent and critical examination".

"It is my duty to carry out a full, fearless and independent investigation into the circumstances of the death of Mr Litvinenko. That, I intend to do," Owen told Wednesday's hearing at London's Royal Courts of Justice.


"(The inquest) will be conducted with the greatest possible degree of openness and transparency," Owen said.

Under British law, inquests conducted by coroners are held when a person dies unexpectedly to determine the cause of death.

Owen said he would go ahead with closed hearings this week when the government will put forward its case why certain material should be withheld from the inquest.

Anything that is subject to PII would be excluded from evidence and would not form part of Owen's final judgement.

Ben Emmerson, the lawyer for Litvinenko's widow Marina, said on Tuesday this could result in a situation where Owen could be shown secret evidence which conclusively showed the Kremlin was complicit in murder, but would then have to issue a public judgment which exonerated Russia of any involvement.

A previous hearing has already been told the British government possessed information which established "a prima facie case" that the Russian state was behind the killing.

British police and prosecutors have also said there was enough evidence to charge two former KGB agents, Andrei Lugovoy and Dmitry Kovtun, with murder. Lugovoy denies any involvement and Moscow has repeatedly dismissed allegations it ordered Litvinenko's death to silence him.

Marina Litvinenko said although Owen's decision was not ideal, she had faith in his commitment that crucial facts about her husband's death would not be covered up.

"I believe he will do exactly what he said to me," she told reporters. "I do trust him. I believe he is still in the same position that if he sees evidence the Russian state is behind the crime he will use it."

Owen said the next hearing to decide when the full inquest will start would take place on March 14.

(Editing by Alistair Lyon)


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Yahoo memo sparks debate on pros and cons of working at home

LONDON (Reuters) - An internal memo at Yahoo Inc introducing a ban on working from home has sparked a debate on whether remote working leads to greater productivity and job satisfaction or kills creativity and is just a chance to slack off.

Working remotely has become commonplace due to technology and has been welcomed particularly by people with young families or those facing long and expensive commutes.

Statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor show nearly 25 percent of full-time workers did some work at home in 2010.

A survey by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) found 59 percent of UK companies in 2011 offered some kind of teleworking, a jump from 13 percent in 2006, with small companies leading the trend to help cut office costs.

But Yahoo Chief Executive Marissa Mayer has ruled that staff can no longer work from home from June this year, as outlined in the widely leaked internal memo which appeared on newspaper websites and online forums on Tuesday.

"Some of the best decisions and insights come from hallway and cafeteria discussion, meeting new people, and impromptu team meetings. Speed and quality are often sacrificed when we work from home," said the memo attributed to Yahoo human resources head Jacqueline Reses.

Asked about the memo, a Yahoo spokesman said the company does not comment on internal matters.

Mayer, 37, who returned to work two weeks after the birth of her first child last year, was brought to Yahoo from Google to revive the company's diminishing fortunes.

Her decision to clamp down on remote working met a wall of criticism from proponents of a flexible workplace to improve the work-life balance, boost motivation, and keep women at work.

"It's incredibly disappointing," said Jennifer Owens, spokeswoman for website Working Mother, adding most women were delighted when a pregnant Mayer took over the helm of Yahoo.

"Her plan ... is to lead her workforce back to the last century by banning work-from-home policies across the company."


Richard Branson, head of Virgin Group, said the move by Yahoo! undermined the trust that staff would get their work done wherever, without supervision, as working is no longer 9-5.

"This seems a backwards step in an age when remote working is easier and more effective than ever," Branson wrote in a blog on the Virgin website.

"If you provide the right technology to keep in touch, maintain regular communication and get the right balance between remote and office working, people will be motivated to work responsibly, quickly and with high quality."

Britain's BT Group, one of the first UK companies to adopt teleworking, said about 69,000 of its 89,000 staff were equipped to work flexibly of which about 9,400 are home workers.

The company said this led to benefits like accommodation savings, increased productivity and reduced sick absence, adding 99 percent of women returned to BT after maternity leave.

"Our flexible working policies can also achieve a better balance between work and family commitments, which can be especially important for those with young families or caring responsibilities," a BT spokesman said.

Flexible working was cited in a survey released last month as one of the most important factors in job satisfaction and staying with a company.

The Harris Interactive survey of 3,900 U.S. workers between November 1 and 30 last year found 59 percent said flexible schedules were important and 33 percent cited the ability to work from home over having an office or a company car.

Guy Bailey, CBI's head of employee relations, said flexibility can be a real win-win for companies and their staff, acting as a recruitment and retention tool for businesses and letting staff balance their working and home lives.

"However, it needs to work for both parties, so home-working arrangements will understandably vary from company to company," he told Reuters.

A 2011 survey of 1,500 workers in 15 European nations commissioned by Microsoft Corp found only 52 percent of people trust colleagues to work productively away from the office.

This was reflected in comments by some former employees of Yahoo who backed Mayer, saying she was making the right call because many employees were abusing the system.

Several unnamed ex-employees told the website Business Insider that Yahoo's large remote workforce led to "people slacking off like crazy, not being available, and spending a lot of time on non-Yahoo projects."

(Reporting by Belinda Goldsmith, editing by Paul Casciato)


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Pope Benedict's legacy: More influential than Pope John Paul II?

Pope Benedict's legacy may be a willingness to let liberal Catholics leave in favor of a more orthodox church in the US and Europe.

By Robert Marquand,?Staff writer / February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI delivers his message during a meeting of Vatican cardinals, at the Vatican, Monday. Pope Benedict announced Monday that he would resign at the end of the month - the first pontiff to do so in nearly 600 years.

Courtesy of L'Osservatore Romano/AP


Pope Benedict resigns later this month after arguably being the single most influential figure inside the Roman Catholic Church for three decades, dating to the early 1980s.

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A shy but brilliant scholar whose consistent vision has been to reinstitute the grand authority held by the Vatican in the Middle Ages, Benedict has, often single-handedly, redirected his church away from the liberal experiments and sometimes amateurish enthusiasms of the Vatican II period of the 1960s, which conservatives saw as a dangerous diversion. He has also, over years, instituted doctrines, individuals, and orders consistent with his theological view of the Catholic Church as the true and only authentic one.

While not as widely beloved as his predecessor John Paul II, the popular Polish pope who helped crack the Soviet hold on eastern Europe and attracted global crowds, Benedict arguably has had more influence inside the church ??even as he often irritated Protestants who he said were not "authentic" Christians, angered Muslims by put-downs of Islamic figures, or unsettled Jewish-Catholic relations by rehabilitating a fringe religious society with a bishop who denied the severity of the Nazi holocaust.

Benedict's chief occupation as pope has been, observers say, to purify his church.?

To do so, Benedict crushed the liberation theology movements of the?third world, put a slammer hold on efforts to ordain women and question celibacy, put earlier ecumenical impulses on the back burner, and, instead, has greatly empowered more hardcore orders like Opus Dei, Legions of Christ, and other orthodox wings, largely on the idea that the church must first cherish its most ardent believers.

Yet, while Benedict has won many battles inside the church, he is also widely seen as having lost many larger wars that he either instituted or took part in.

Benedict?s effort to reinstitute Christianity in its European context has largely failed to generate enthusiasm on a continent increasingly secular. While in pursuit of liberal priests and nuns who he implied were polluting the church with wrong doctrines, Benedict has appeared to many Europeans to be too inattentive to priests who sexually abused minors, of whom there are an estimated 8,000. The revelations of sexually abusive priests in Germany, Ireland, Belgium, and Austria two years ago brought a change to the story line that such problems were restricted to the United States.?

For fully believing Catholics, the Roman church is a divine, not a human institution; its leader, the pope, is the ?vicar of Christ,? the direct spiritual descendant of Jesus Christ and his disciple Peter. The kingdom of heaven on earth that Jesus asked his followers to pray for, must, in orthodox Catholic doctrine, come through the Catholic Church and the pope, also known as the Holy Father.

For many modern-thinking or non-literal Catholics, particularly after the long-running church self-examination known as Vatican II, those orthodox doctrines of the identity of the church and the pope were put in question and thrown open for new interpretation.

Vatican II lead, though often quite indirectly, to a massive re-evaluation of things like the operation of the spirit in the church, the possibility of women being ordained as priests, a faint questioning of the doctrine, only adopted in pre-medieval Europe, of celibacy, and of more "democracy"?or power by the laity or non-clergy members in matters of church governance.

For a rising college theology professor named Joseph Ratzinger, these new interpretations were viewed with increasing horror. They often lacked seriousness, were sloppy, and seemed chaotic and undignified.

As then-Cardinal Ratzinger, Benedict took office in 1982 as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the same office that earlier conducted or oversaw heresy trials. Yet while that office has a five-year term and most predecessors held it for 10 years at most, Ratzinger stayed 24 years, only leaving to become pope in 2005.

Now, as Catholics think through their future they will do so with a set of cardinals, bishops, priests, and church authorities that have largely been vetted through the orthodox filter set up by the Bavarian-born pontiff.

Indeed, a church hierarchy carefully pruned of liberal and ecumenical impulses may be one of Benedict?s enduring legacies, though it has brought the current pontiff into serious disagreements with powerful orders, like the Jesuits, that previously saw themselves as the main defenders of Rome.


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

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Building a Microsoft SharePoint Practice ? Part 4 | Ron Charity

February 24, 2013

mount-whitney-hiking-pictures-15In my past installments I covered a variety of topics regarding how to get started and why, the team, marketing and business relationships and services to focus on.

In this blog I will talk about the customer?s viewpoint and what you must be careful of ? if you want your engagements to be successful. I?ll list a few points that will help you build on the practice through building solid relationships with clients and enabling your staff to perform.

  • Managing optics ? so you?re in the business and your trying to convince your prospects that you are. How do you make sure your prospects know you?re in the business? How do you put to rest any doubts? Start paving the way for engagements?
    • Start off by picking your top clients for the next 6 -12 months. Perhaps your CIO and the clients CIO have met and discussed business. Out of that meeting you know they have budget, are willing to give you a shot and you have a list of projects to focus on and points of contact.
    • If you haven?t taken a Target Account Selling or Holden Methods course please do so, best money you spend.
    • Get your technical consultants in from of the client to kick off relationship building. Bringing layers of sales people won?t work, they are not the value of your company. Yes you must engage at different levels but if they don?t see your consultants they won?t believe. The best thing you can do is get your consultants in front of the customer on a regular basis.
    • Let the consultant talk about the projects the company has delivered.
    • Esoteric statements about # of staff and case studies wont close a deal. They might spark interest but coming from a sales person they will not be taken too seriously. If your consultants did the work it will help alot in building credibility. Note that past projects delivered by consultants that have left the company or live and work in a far off country wont help much. These days?clients cross match case studies with the consultants resume.
  • Marketing your capability ? the first thing your? clients will probably do is search on your company and consultants names. They will look for a Blog presence, magazine articles and public speaking engagements.
    • Get your consultants published and into public speaking engagements.? Work with publishers and blog sites.
    • If you haven?t read it, read ?Marketing Your Professional Services Organization? by Dick Connor and ?Professional Services Marketing? By Mike Shultz.
    • If you dont have a Knowledge Management (KM) component in your consulting practice, get one and make sure consultants and managers are metric?d on their contributions. Search my blog for KM related how to?s.
  • Thin edge of the wedge ? don?t expect the multimillion dollar deals right away. You have to prove yourself. Remember that people do business with those who they trust. People also have a lot of choices and if you screw up, there is someone waiting in line to take your place.
    • Position short two week engagements to get your consultants in there working, developing relationships and demonstrating value.
    • Use that time to scope opportunities and align the proposal with key pain points and risks.
    • Keep your consultants engaged to deliver the first paid engagement so that you maintain relationships and deepen understanding of client?s needs. Aim for a $25-50k engagement. This engagement must position the next engagement. Once completed a presentation to stakeholders is done and the next engagement positioned.
    • The next engagement is up to you. For me the next engagement was $250k, then $1.5mil and then another $1 mil. For another account we invested 6 months and the first engagement was $50k, then $100k then $4.5 mil.

So you do all the above but run into trouble? Here are some warning signs that the client isn?t a good candidate for you:

  • Everything is outsourced and not to you ? if everything is outsourced what can you provide? Will the venders cooperate? Risk assessments come to mind, adding new services that are not currently in place today and outsourced.
  • Technical staff is gone ? so what?s left then? Managers? Again, read the above.
  • Last 3-4 projects were a flop ? perhaps they are so messed up you can?t win? Some organizations are just trouble, need re-orgs to help clean them up.
  • The CIO talk didn?t happen ? the talk I mentioned in the prior sections didn?t occur and therefore you have no visibility into the account. Could spin wheels for a long time ? not a good thing.
  • No contacts in the account -?strategic?placement, get one of your ex employees in there or a friend on staff.
  • You submit a proposal and no response ? they are either not interested, the project is low priority and they don?t want to deal with you.

Of course there are always exceptions to the rule. A potential client I dealt with a few years back through an RFI I thought for sure was a waste of time. We had no regional experience, weak presence there, were almost twice the price but we offered an end to end solution.

Finally, its surprising how many companies just don?t get it. They want the business but don?t want to invest (take any risk) and wonder why they don?t get consistent results.

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Published author, technologist, musician, passionate and results focused, enjoys traveling, yoga, riding my Harley, beaches and meeting people. View all posts by Ron Charity


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Monday, February 25, 2013

2013 Academy Awards: Who Will Win?


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Oscars are big night for advertisers

The Academy Awards is nicknamed "prom for Hollywood," but it isn't just the biggest night of the year for Hollywood star-watching ? it's also one of the biggest live TV events of the year, which means an ad goldmine for ABC (owned by Disney).

Perhaps the most apt nickname for the Oscars is "the Super Bowl for women," because it's one of the most important events of the year for advertisers ? arguably the best occasion to reach a captive audience of women. ABC, which broadcasts the event, said it saw the highest demand for Oscar ads in over a decade.

Read More: Best Picture Winners With the Biggest 'Oscar Bump'

The average 30-second spot sold for between $1.65 million and $1.8 million, the highest prices since 2008, when ads averaged $1.7 million. That means this year ABC will bring in about $85 million in ad revenue, more than it has in over a decade.

Why are live events more valuable? In a word: Twitter. Chatter on Twitter and Facebook is driving more people to be part of the conversation and watch in real time, which means they're watching ads.

And this year ABC is looking to grow the social conversation with a new interactive app and Facebook ballot, which allows movie fans to watch and comment on the show with their friends.

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Plus, there's hope that new host Seth Macfarlane will draw younger and more male viewers, to balance out the traditionally female audience. Hyundi and JC Penney, which were the biggest ad buyers in last year's telecast are both returning. And we'll see two tech rivals duke it out: Apple and rival Samsung have both bought slots.

So how does ABC's $85 million take compare? Rival CBS has more big one-off events. In addition to the Grammys, where 30-second spots run as much as $900,000, it also has the Country Music Awards. And this year, it was CBS' turn in the Super Bowl rotation between CBS, Fox and NBC, and Super Bowl spots were the most expensive they've ever been ? as much as $3.8 million.

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Fox has the biggest regular live show, "American Idol," and NBC has Sunday Night Football, where ads run north of half a million dollars. With the rise of DVR usage, the networks ?ad advertisers ? are willing to pay more and more to capture viewers' attention for rare real-time viewing.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

French leader seeks meat labels, urges local beef

PARIS (AP) ? France will press all of Europe to impose strict labeling rules on the meat inside prepared foods to restore confidence that has been shaken by a widening scandal on horse meat that was mislabeled and cooked into frozen dinners, the president said Saturday.

Three major French food companies, including one at the heart of the horse meat furor, agreed over the past two days to use only French beef in the prepared meals they sell in the country. Italy on Saturday registered its first case, with horse DNA discovered in pre-packaged lasagna from a Bologna-based food-maker, Primia. The meat was in the bolognese sauce.

The horse meat scandal began with tons of horse meat from Romanian abattoirs exported to France, where it was processed into ready-made meals. Romanian authorities said the meat was correctly labeled as horse and that the fraud occurred further down the food supply chain.

Since then, horse meat has turned up across Europe in frozen supermarket meals and in restaurants, schools and hospitals.

Under current European rules, companies are supposed to indicate the kind of meat in prepared foods, but not its origins. President Francois Hollande, speaking at the French Agricultural Salon, said he expected it would take several months to persuade other countries to go along with the rule change.

The fraud was possible "because there wasn't labeling," Hollande said. "Consumers should be able to know the provenance of the products they consume, especially for meats."

The French frozen food manufacturer Findus was among the first companies to acknowledge the mislabeled horse meat, which was shipped from country to country before finding its way into prepared foods. Findus and grocery chains Carrefour and Intermarche said they would now use French beef exclusively in prepared foods for consumers.


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[NFL News] Mike McDaniel Is Redskins New Wide Receivers Coach

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Mike McDaniel Is Redskins New Wide Receivers Coach

Mike McDaniel is the Washington Redskins' new wide receivers coach.

He replaces Ike Hilliard, who left Washington after two seasons to work for the Buffalo Bills.

McDaniel has been an offensive assistant with the Redskins the last two seasons. He worked for the Houston Texans from 2006-08.

The Redskins announced McDaniel's new job Saturday.

Source: Associated Press


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Reprogramming cells to fight diabetes

Feb. 22, 2013 ? For years researchers have been searching for a way to treat diabetics by reactivating their insulin-producing beta cells, with limited success. The "reprogramming" of related alpha cells into beta cells may one day offer a novel and complementary approach for treating type 2 diabetes. Treating human and mouse cells with compounds that modify cell nuclear material called chromatin induced the expression of beta cell genes in alpha cells, according to a new study that appears online in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

"This would be a win-win situation for diabetics -- they would have more insulin-producing beta cells and there would be fewer glucagon-producing alpha cells," says lead author Klaus H. Kaestner, Ph.D., professor of Genetics and member of the Institute of Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Type 2 diabetics not only lack insulin, but they also produce too much glucagon.

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are caused by insufficient numbers of insulin-producing beta cells. In theory, transplantation of healthy beta cells -- for type 1 diabetics in combination with immunosuppression to control autoimmunity -- should halt the disease, yet researchers have not yet been able to generate these cells in the lab at high efficiency, whether from embryonic stem cells or by reprogramming mature cell types.

Alpha cells are another type of endocrine cell in the pancreas. They are responsible for synthesizing and secreting the peptide hormone glucagon, which elevates glucose levels in the blood.

"We treated human islet cells with a chemical that inhibits a protein that puts methyl chemical groups on histones, which -- among many other effects -- leads to removal of some histone modifications that affect gene expression," says Kaestner. "We then found a high frequency of alpha cells that expressed beta-cell markers, and even produced some insulin, after drug treatment.

Histones are protein complexes around which DNA strands are wrapped in a cell's nucleus.

The team discovered that many genes in alpha cells are marked by both activating- and repressing-histone modifications. This included many genes important in beta-cell function. In one state, when a certain gene is turned off, the gene can be readily activated by removing a modification that represses the histone.

"To some extent human alpha cells appear to be in a 'plastic' epigenetic state," explains Kaestner. "We reasoned we might use that to reprogram alpha cells towards the beta-cell phenotype to produce these much-needed insulin-producing cells."

Co-authors are Nuria C. Bramswig, Logan Everett, Jonathan Schug, Chengyang Liu, Yanping Luo, and Ali Naji, all from Penn, and Markus Grompe, Craig Dorrell, and Philip R. Streeter from the Oregon Health & Science University. The Oregon group developed a panel of human endocrine cell type-specific antibodies for cell sorting.

The research was supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (U01 DK070430, U42 RR006042, U01DK089529, R01DK088383, U01DK089569) and by the Beckman Research Center/NIDDK/Integrated Islet Distribution Program (10028044).

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Nuria C. Bramswig, Logan J. Everett, Jonathan Schug, Craig Dorrell, Chengyang Liu, Yanping Luo, Philip R. Streeter, Ali Naji, Markus Grompe, Klaus H. Kaestner. Epigenomic plasticity enables human pancreatic ? to ? cell reprogramming. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013; DOI: 10.1172/JCI66514

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Saturday, February 23, 2013


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You can easily watch here HBCS Sevens, six nations rugby live stream, national rugby league live stream including all rugby international matches & all the games streaming here in HD quality so Do not wait to access this HD link, when the England vs France game is mostly over and you will get live scores and highlights. All matches are being streaming here; just catch the game from your desktop or laptop Internet. So, Catch England vs France Live Streaming 2013 online coverage on Channel 9,Nine Network, sky sports4, CBS, HD4, Espn, fox sports & Fox Network. Click here to watch England vs France Live Streaming Rugby. [193]GET LIVE RUGBY HD TV LINk [194]Watch Rugby Live RBS Six Nations Rugby 2013: Rugby lover !! Hello !! 100% HD quality live Six Nations Rugby live match video streaming is available here. Exiting Six Nations Rugby 2013 match between England vs France Live rugby match is waiting for your pleasure. 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