Monday, October 28, 2013

Watch And LOL: This Vine Of Al Roker At The Drake Concert Is Everything

That-Ish-Cray Of The Day

Y’all. I have the perfect beginning to your week. Right here. Right now. So, Drake is in the middle of his Would You Like A Tour tour and for whatever reason America’s favorite weatherman Al Roker decided to go? I don’t know. I don’t even know how this happened but when I stumbled across this Vine I lit’rally LOL’d like cray. It’s exactly what you’d expect it to be– exactly what you think it would look like if Al Roker attended a Drake concert. Please. Click inside for more.

Yes Gawd, Al Roker At The Drake Concert:


How is this not the greatest thing you’ve ever seen? LMAOOoooo I can’t stop laughing! And #TooOld is officially the realest hashtag ever. Shouts out to Al Roker and that superfan behind him. Love it.


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