Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Medical Alert Customer Falls at Home, Not Injured ... - EMC Security

The EMC Security local monitoring center in Suwanee, Georgia received a two-way voice medical alert alarm from the home of a customer in Carrollton, Georgia.? The customer was home alone and had fallen in his bedroom.? Though he was uninjured, he still needed help getting up.? He pressed the button on his two-way voice medical alert pendant and was able to speak directly with a monitoring center operator.? He told the operator that he had fallen while home alone at night.? He said he did not need the paramedics sent to his home and asked the operator to notify his son who was on the contact list.? The operator immediately called the customer?s son who was able to arrive at the home and help the customer up off the floor.

While it is vital to get emergency medical help when injured, many medical alert users find that they do not always need an ambulance sent to their home after falling.? Often times, they are not injured, but merely need help getting back up or collecting themselves from a slight fall.? The EMC Medical Alert pendant is there to help those in need whether severely injured or those in need of simple physical assistance.? Should you or someone you know benefit from having an EMC Medical Alert two-way voice pendant, please call 770-963-0305 to speak with a representative about the EMC Medical Alert system.

Tags: best medical alert pendant, best medical alert system, carrollton medical alert, emc medical alert, local medical alarm monitoring, local medical alert monitoring, local monitoring suwanee, medical alarm georgia, medical alert georgia, medical alert suwanee, two-way voice medical alarm, two-way voice medical alert


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