Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dharun Ravi to make statement before sentencing at Rutgers trial

Former Rutgers student Dharun Ravi will make a statement to a packed New Brunswick, N.J. courtroom today before he is sentenced.

In March, Ravi was found guilty of a hate crime for using a webcam to spy on his gay roommate Tyler Clementi.

Ravi, 20, faces a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison and any jail time will likely also mean deportation for the Indian native.

Ravi was convicted of invasion of privacy, bias intimidation, witness tampering and hindering arrest, stemming from his role in activating the webcam to peek at Clementi's date with a man in the dorm room on Sept. 19, 2010.

Ravi was also convicted of encouraging others to spy during a second date, on Sept. 21, 2010, and intimidating Clementi for being gay.

The defendant will address the court today, sources told ABC News.

His statement will join others, including members of Clementi's family, who are expected to make victim impact statements.

In recent days, several prominent gay activists have made public pleas for Ravi to not be sent to prison.

Judge Glenn Berman began the proceedings today by noting the court had received a box full of petitions seeking a pardon for Ravi.

Some of the petitions were addressed to President Obama, but the judge said the president has no ability to pardon someone for a state crime.

Some of the petitions were addressed to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who would have the authority to pardon someone for a state crime.

Clementi's case gained national attention when he committed suicide shortly after the spying by jumping off the George Washington Bridge Sept. 22, 2010. Ravi is not charged in connection with Clementi's death.

Three of the convictions carried a sentence of five to 10 years in prison. Because Ravi is a citizen of India, and is in the U.S. on a green card, he could be deported following his sentencing. The U.S. deports most criminals convicted of felonies, with the exception of thefts of amounts under $10,000.

Ravi had previously rejected a plea deal that would have spared him any jail time or the threat of deportation, but put him on probation and would have required him to perform community service.

Ravi was found not guilty of some subparts of the 15 counts of bias intimidation, attempted invasion of privacy, and attempted bias intimidation, but needed only to be found guilty of one part of each count to be convicted.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

?Wield a More Subversive Sword!?

Talking with him about any kind of art?painting, music, literature, film?was a joy. His critical sensibility was marvelously astute (as can be seen in a book of his collected essays on children?s literature, Caldecott & Co.) and the pleasure he took in beauty was boundless. He adored Melville, Mozart, and Mickey Mouse (and would have noted the alliteration with pleasure?he wrote in different places about the mysterious significance he attached to the letter M, his own first initial and that of many of his characters, beginning with Max of Where the Wild Things Are). During one visit, he showed us a portable writing desk that had belonged to Melville, which still contained some of the author?s pen nibs and dried-out inkpots. Maurice was as excited and awed to be handing us the writing implements of his favorite author as we were to be hanging out with him. He collected all kinds of wonderful things?first editions of American literature, William Blake prints, James Marshall sketches, early Mickey Mouse memorabilia?and he loved to bring them out and show them to guests, not to brag about his possessions, but because touching and sharing and talking about beautiful objects made him happy.

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Want Online Success? Try Local Web Marketing |

Local web promoting is the most dependable tool that any small enterprise owner can use to gain acceptance in his community. With its correct use, you can draw a lot of buyers to your store with a great promise of increased sales. There are some explicit steps which you have to consistently observe though to make all these a reality. They?re the following.

Have A List ? Note the clients who have repeat transactions with you. Create a database and place the name and contact details of these customers in there. Through e-mail, you can send them updates about your services and goods. This a great way for you to reach out to your audience and encourage them to milk your offers. You can go through an Aweber tutorial to learn this process. You can strengthen on your client reach using some promotional tricks. Maybe, you can offer online visitors free e-book in return of their names and email addresses.

Sport An Interactive Internet site ? Effective online marketing for local businesses starts with this. More than being a well-spring of info, your site must excite to take some action. Say, you are running a little restaurant. You can produce a video that will share the recipe of your famous dishes. Together with it, you can set up a contest with prizes like chits on set meals.

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Create A Fan Page ? Facebook has popularized the use of fan page for distinct purposes. Thanks to this feature that small business owners can now reach as many prospect customers as possible. You can freely share in your fan page how your brand can improve the lives of your target market. Other social networking sites like Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn are worth trying as well.

Create A Blog ? A blog is intended to complement your business website. It is definitely created to bring more fun and excitement when you are sharing to your audience product launches and other promotional events. In here, you can share your personal thoughts as the business owner. Engaging potential customers this way stirs personal attachment to your brand. Once you are able to build emotional bond with your readers, it would be easier for you to make them buy products or subscribe to your services. Look into an Optimize Press tutorial to teach you the basic and advanced steps in blogging.

The advancements in technology have already removed the boundaries that limit local web marketing. There are now countless of ways you can get your brand famed in your niche. All you have to do is take the time to observe the above-mentioned tips for your business success.

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