Tuesday, February 28, 2012

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arrangements. Using these will generate huge savings for the couple. Gerber diaries insert
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Source: http://matewanrotary.org/sports-and-recreation/best-cheer-gym/

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Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Announcing Transmedia ...

February 27, 2012

UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television,
USC School of Cinematic Arts &
USC Annenberg School of Communications and Journalism

Transmedia Hollywood 3: Rethinking Creative Relations
April 6, 2012, USC

Conference Overview:
As transmedia models become more central to the ways that the entertainment industry operates, the result has been some dramatic shifts within production culture, shifts in the ways labor gets organized, in how productions get financed and distributed, in the relations between media industries, and in the locations from which creative decisions are being made. This year's Transmedia Hollywood examines the ways that transmedia approaches are forcing the media industry to reconsider old production logics and practices, paving the way for new kinds of creative output. Our hope is to capture these transitions by bringing together established players from mainstream media industries and independent producers trying new routes to the market. We also hope to bring a global perspective to the conversation, looking closely at the ways transmedia operates in a range of different kinds of creative economies and how these different imperatives result in different understandings of what transmedia can contribute to the storytelling process--for traditional Hollywood, the global media industries, and for all the independent media-makers who are taking up the challenge to reinvent traditional media-making for a "connected" audience of collaborators.

Many of Hollywood's entrenched business and creative practices remain deeply mired in the past, weighed down by rigid hierarchies, interlocking bureaucracies, and institutionalized gatekeepers (e.g. the corporate executives, agents, managers, and lawyers). In this volatile moment of crisis and opportunity, as Hollywood shifts from an analog to a digital industry, one which embraces collaboration, collectivity, and compelling uses of social media, a number of powerful independent voices have emerged. These include high-profile transmedia production companies such as Jeff Gomez's Starlight Runner Entertainment as well as less well-funded and well-staffed solo artists who are coming together virtually from various locations across the globe. What these top-down and bottom-up developments have in common is a desire to buck tradition and to help invent the future of entertainment. One of the issues we hope to address today is the social, cultural, and industrial impact of these new forms of international collaboration and mixtures of old and new work cultures.
Another topic that will be addressed is the future of independent film. Will creative commons replace copyright? Will crowdsourcing replace the antiquated foreign sales model? Will the guilds be able to protect the rights of digital laborers who work for peanuts? What about audiences who work for free? Given that most people today spend the bulk of their leisure time online, why aren't independent artists going online and connecting with their community before committing their hard-earned dollars on a speculative project designed for the smallest group of people imaginable--those that frequent art-house theaters?

Fearing obsolescence in the near future, many of Hollywood's traditional studios and networks are looking increasingly to outsiders--often from Silicon Valley or Madison Avenue--to teach these old dogs some new tricks. Many current studio and network executives are overseeing in-house agencies, whose names--Sony Interactive Imageworks, NBC Digital, and Disney Interactive Media Group--are meant to describe their cutting-edge activities and differentiate themselves from Hollywood's old guard. Creating media in the digital age is "nice work if you can get it," according to labor scholar Andrew Ross in a recent book of the same name. Frequently situated in park-like "campuses," many of these new, experimental companies and divisions are hiring large numbers of next generation workers, offering them attractive amenities ranging from coffee bars to well-prepared organic food to basketball courts. However, even though these perks help to humanize the workplace, several labor scholars (e.g. Andrew Ross, Mark Deuze, Rosalind Gill) see them as glittering distractions, obscuring a looming problem on the horizon--a new workforce of "temps, freelancers, adjuncts, and migrants."

While the analog model still dominates in Hollywood, the digital hand-writing is on the wall; therefore, the labor guilds, lawyers, and agent/managers must intervene to find ways to restore the eroding power/leverage of creators. In addition, shouldn't the guilds be mindful of the new generation of digital laborers working inside these in-house agencies? What about the creative talent that emerges from Madison Avenue ad agencies like Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, makers of the Asylum 626 first-person horror experience for Doritos; or Grey's Advertising, makers of the "Behind the Still" collective campaign for Canon? Google has not only put the networks' 30-second ad to shame using Adword, but its Creative Labs has taken marketing to new aesthetic heights with its breathtaking Johnny Cash [collective] Project. Furthermore, Google's evocative Parisian Love campaign reminds us just how intimately intertwined our real and virtual lives have become.

Shouldn't Hollywood take note that many of its most powerful writers, directors, and producers are starting to embrace transmedia in direct and meaningful ways by inviting artists from the worlds of comic books, gaming, and web design to collaborate? These collaborations enhance the storytelling and aesthetic worlds tenfold, enriching "worlds" as diverse as The Dark Knight, The Avengers, and cable's The Walking Dead. Hopefully, this conference will leave all of us with a broader understanding of what it means to be a media maker today--by revealing new and expansive ways for artists to collaborate with Hollywood media managers, audiences, advertisers, members of the tech culture, and with one another.

PANEL 1 (9:15-11:15): "Realigned Work-Worlds: Hollywood/Silicon Valley/Madison Avenue" Denise Mann, moderator

This panel seeks to capture the unruly, still unfolding, wild wild west moment of cultural-industrial conversion taking place in both virtual and real-world workplaces as Hollywood looks for top-down solutions to engaging with consumers where they live--online. Once the dominant players in the content industry, Hollywood today is having to look as far away as Silicon Valley and Madison Avenue for collaborators in the 2.0 space. Many in Hollywood are trying to bridge the gap between the old and new ways of doing business, describing their operations as "Silicon Valley startups within a big media company." Disney is buying out the founders of social experiments like Club Penguin, Togetherville, and Playdom in order to reinvent their family business for the connected generation. In each instance, Hollywood's old guard is having to rely on a new generation of entrepreneurs from the tech and geek communities to teach them how to navigate the 21st century.

Break: 11:15-11:30

Panel Two (11:30-1:30): "Creative Economies: Commercial vs. State-Based Models"
Henry Jenkins, moderator

In the United States, transmedia production has been often coupled with issues of promotion and branding, because of the ways that production is funded in a Hollywood studio or network television models. But, around the world, in countries where there is strong state support for media production, alternative forms of transmedia are taking shape, which are governed by different imperatives (cultural, educational, artistic). How has transmedia fit within the effort of nation-states to promote and expand their creative economies? What can commercial media producers learn from these alternative models and approaches? How might these developments further expand our understanding of what transmedia is and what it can contribute to the language of storytelling? What are the advantages and disadvantages of creating transmedia content under these different kinds of creative economies?

Lunch (1:30-2:30)

Panel Three (2:30-4:30): "Working on the Margins--Who Pays for Transformative Works of Art?" Denise Mann, moderator

The independent film industry isn't working any longer--so says powerful indie producer Ted Hope, who now advocates for using transmedia entertainment models that allow media-makers to engage directly with fans, and in the process, rethink old production, marketing, and distribution patterns that no longer make sense in the 21st century. A new generation of media-makers, actors, writers, directors, and producers are taking concrete steps to reinvent bottom-up entertainment for the contemporary, connected, tech-savvy audience. For some independent-minded creators, the best way to connect with today's self-aware audience is by creating a self-mocking, self-reflexive web series like The Guild or Dr. Horrible. For others, the best way to engage with the audience is by creating collective works of art via star-driven companies like hitRECord or Funny or Die. The impulse behind each of these works of collective intelligence is to take art out of the rarified world of crumbling art-house theaters, museums, and galleries and put it back into the hands of the masses-- creating an immersive, interactive, and collective works of transmedia entertainment, made by and for the people who enjoy it most.

Break (4:30-4:45)

Panel 4 (4:45-6:45): "Creative Intersections: How Comics Fit into the Transmedia Ecology"
Henry Jenkins, moderator

By many accounts, the comics industry in the United States struggles to survive, with mainstream titles facing declining readerships, despite some growth in the sales of independent graphic novels through bookstores. Yet, the comics industry has never played a more central role in the entertainment industry as a whole, with comics seeding more and more film and television franchises, and with comics performing important functions within larger transmedia projects. So, how can we understand the paradoxical status of the comics industry? In what ways are these other media outlets helping to subsize the production of printed comics? What kinds of advantages does content audience-tested through comics bring to other media industries? Why have so many television series sought to extend their narratives through graphic novels in recent years? As comics are brought to the screen, what do the producers owe to the fans of the original material as opposed to new viewers who may have little to no awareness of the series' origins in comics? What lessons might transmedia producers learn from the larger history of extended universes and intertexuality within comics?


Henry Jenkins
Henry Jenkins is the Provost's Professor of Communications, Journalism, Cinematic Arts, and Education at the University of Southern California. He is the author or editor of 15 books on various aspects of media and popular culture, including Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture (1992), Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide (2006) and with Sam Ford and Joshua Green, Spreadable Media: Creating Media and Value in a Networked Culture (Fall, 2012).

Denise Mann
Denise Mann is Associate Professor and Head of the Producers Program at the UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television. Her most recent book is Hollywood Independents: The Postwar Talent Takeover (Minnesota, 2008). Previously, Mann co-edited Private Screenings: Television & the Female Consumer (Minnesota, 1992) and has published articles on television and consumer culture in a range of journals. Mann served as an associate editor on Camera Obscura, a journal of feminism and film theory, for six years.

Speakers include:

Ivan Askwith

Ivan Askwith is Senior Director of Digital Media at Lucasfilm, where he oversees strategic and creative direction for the wide range of online, mobile, social and cross-platform initiatives that make up the digital presence of Star Wars, Lucasfilm, and the company's other properties. Previously, he was the Director of Strategy at Big Spaceship.

Morgan Bouchet
Morgan Bouchet is Transmedia and Social Media Vice President of the Content Division of Orange and is Director of the Orange Transmedia Lab . Orange is a brand of France Telecom, the main telecommunications company in France (and one of the world's largest). Bouchet joined France Telecom in 2000, developing content experiences and Vod products before moving to transmedia and social media. Prior to France Telecom, Bouchet was manager of the New Media division of FKGB, a French entertainment marketing company.

Angela Chen Caplan

Angela Cheng Caplan is the President and CEO of Cheng Caplan Company, Inc., a boutique literary/talent management and production company based in Los Angeles, California, representing Academy Award nominated filmmakers, best-selling book authors, Pulitzer Prize winning journalists and world famous comic book creators such as Brian Wood

Katerina Cizek

Director Katerina Cizek is an Emmy-winning documentary-maker working across many media platforms. Cizek directs the National Film Board of Canada's Highrise series on residential skyscrapers. For five years, she was the National Film Board of Canada's Filmmaker-in-Residence at an inner-city hospital, in a many-media project that won a 2008 Webby Award, a Banff Award, and a Canadian New Media Award.

Sara Diamond

Sara Diamond is the President of the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) University, Canada's "university of the imagination." Prior to her presidency at OCAD University, Dr. Diamond was the Artistic Director of Media and Visual Art and Director of Research at the Banff Centre, where in 1995 she created the Banff New Media Institute (BNMI) and led it for 10 years. Dr. Diamond holds a PhD in computer science and degrees in new media theory and practice, social history, and communications from the United Kingdom and Canada.

Christy Dena
Dr. Christy Dena is the director of Universe Creation 101, an organization that creates and consults cross-media narrative development. As a transmedia analyst, she collaborated with colleagues Tim Kring, Nokia and The company P on Conspiracy for Good, a Digital Emmy-nominated alternate reality experience (2011 Digital Emmy-nominated alternate reality experience. Another recent project includes curating and co-organizing Transmedia Victoria, an industry conference and workshop for the Australia Council of the Arts. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney, a postgraduate diploma in Creative Writing from University of Melbourne, and a B.A. in Visual and Performing Arts from Monash University.

Nick De Martino
Nick De Martino is a media and technology consultant and was Senior Vice President of Media and Technology at the American Film Institute for 20 years before retiring in 2010. Under his direction, AFI and Apple Computer developed the first training lab for Hollywood filmmakers, the beginning of many collaborations with high-powered technology companies (that also included Adobe, Intel, and IBM, among others). The Los Angeles Business Journal named De Martino a leader in technology twice, and in 2006, the Hollywood Reporter and the Producer's Guild of America's New Media Council ranked De Martino #3 in the "Digital 50" which recognizes digital innovaters.

Jennifer Holt

Jennifer Holt is Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara. She specializes in the areas of media industry studies, film and television history, and media policy. Her current research looks at regulation and policy in the era of digitization and convergence. She is the co-editor of Media Industries: History, Theory, and Method (Blackwell, 2009) and author of Empires of Entertainment (Rutgers UP, 2011), which examines deregulation and media conglomeration from 1980-1996. She is also the Co-Director of the Carsey-Wolf Center's Media Industries Project.

Ted Hope

Ted Hope has produced Academy-Award nominated independent films such as 21 Grams (2003), The Savages (2007), and In The Bedroom (2001). Three of his entries to the Sundance Film Festival have won the Grand Jury Prize: American Splendor (2003), The Brothers McMullen (1995), and What Happened Was.. (1994). In the early 1990s, he co-founded Good Machine, an independent film production and distribution company that went to become Focus Features. Currently, Hope works from his New York-based indie production house, This Is That, which he co-founded in 2002. He is the recipient of the 2009 Vision Award from the LA Filmmakers' Alliance as well as the Woodstock Film Festival's Honorary Trailblazer Award.

Gareth Kay
Gareth Kay is Chief Strategy Officer of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, an ad agency based in San Francisco. He joined GS&P as the Director of Digital Strategy in 2009. Prior to joining GS&P, Kay was Head of Planning at Modernista!, where he oversaw the strategic direction of all accounts including Cadillac, HUMMER, Napster and (RED). Gareth began his career in the UK and worked at TBWA, dfgw and Lowe. Gareth serves on the boards of Boulder Digital Works and the VCU Brandcenter, and sits on the Google Creative Leadership Council.

Katherine Keller

Katherine Keller is a "Founding Tart" and the current Culture Vultures
Editrix at Sequential Tart. She is married to Ralph Mathieu, owner of
the Eisner nominated Alternate Reality Comics. (Yes, she married her
neighborhood comic shop owner.) In her day job she works at the Lied
Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She is passionate about
comics, pop culture, fandom, and open access publishing.

Joe LeFavi

Joe LeFavi, is a transmedia producer and brand strategist who launched consultancy Quixotic Transmedia in 2010. His company provided the transmedia strategy for Immortals (2011), Relativity Media's highest grossing film. He has also collaborated with I am Rogue, Lionsgate and Crest Animation. In addition, his company has published motion comics for Platinum's Cowboys & Aliens, numerous titles for Archaia such as Immortals and Johnny Recon, and over 100+ titles for The Jim Henson Company, which includes their line of Archaia graphic novels.

Jordan Levin

Jordan Levin is founding partner and CEO of Generate, a management and cross-platform production company in Los Angeles. Levin is best known for co-founding the WB, where he where he helped develop a distinctive brand of young-skewing shows (Dawson's Creek, Gilmore Girls, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and served as the youngest-ever network CEO.

Sheila C. Murphy

Shelia C. Murphy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Screen Arts & Cultures at the University of Michigan. Murphy is also the author of How Television Invented New Media (Rutgers UP, 2011). She received her B.A. in Art History from the University of Rochester and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Visual Studies from the University of California, Irvine. From teletubbies to cybernetics, television to "convergence," net.art and hacking, her interest lies in visual discourse of and cultural rhetoric about how, why, when and where we use computers and incorporate them into our everyday life.

Jose Padhila
Jose Padhila is a Brazilian filmmaker and producer. His credits include Bus 174, Elite Squad, and Elite Squad: The Enemy Within, a trilogy that explores corruption and brutality in Brazil. Elite Squad won the Golden Berlin Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2008, one of Padhila's many filmmaking awards. Upcoming films include Robocop, Words with Gods and Rio, eu te amo.

Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson is the current president of Dark Horse Comics, a comics publishing company he founded in 1986, as well as the president of Dark Horse Entertainment, which has developed and produced numerous projects for film and television based on Dark Horse or other licensed properties. Dark Horse publishes many licensed comics, including comics based on Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Aliens, Predator, Mass Effect, and Conan; the company also publishes creator owned comics such as Frank Miller's Sin City and 300, Mike Mignola's Hellboy, Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo, Paul Chadwick's Concrete, and Michael Chabon's The Escapist.

Mary Vogt

Mary Vogt is a costume designer who has been Emmy-nominated for her work on Pushing Daisies (2008). She was the costume designer for the Men in Black movies, Batman Returns (1992), Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007), and the 2010 Tamil (South Asian) science fiction blockbuster, Endhiran (Robot).

Watch here for further speaker announcements.


Eileen Norris Cinema Theatre, USC Cinematic Arts Complex, Los Angeles

The USC School of Cinematic Arts is located at 900 W. 34th St., Los Angeles, CA 90007. Parking passes are available for Parking Structure D (PSD) for $8.00 at Entrance Gate #4, located off Jefferson Blvd. at Royal Street (east of Hoover Street). The School of Cinematic Arts is down 34th Street (heading away from Figueroa) from the Parking Structure. To view a map of the Parking Structures and Entrance Gates, visit http://web-app.usc.edu/maps/

Conference Pass (includes admission to all panels and reception)

General Public: $40
Faculty/Students: $10
(Valid university ID required at check-in)
Purchase Tickets here
Processing fees may apply.
All sales are final.

Extra Event: Teaching Transmedia

As more and more colleges and universities are teaching courses in transmedia enertainment, crossmedia design, and convergence culture, Transmedia Hollywood wants to invite people interested in exchanging resources or trading experiences to gather for a special "birds of a feather" meeting at the Annenberg Innovation Lab on the eve of the conference -- April 5 -- at 7 pm. If you want to come, drop me a note at hjenkins@usc.edu

Source: http://henryjenkins.org/2012/02/announcing_transmedia_hollywoo_2.html

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Monday, February 27, 2012

ThroughIntake of Nutritional Chemical Is the foremost ... - Fitness

Vitamins Debbie best known shine vitamin and mineral since it is made by immediate exposure to the sun lightweight and yes it is probably the selection of weight disolveable vitamin supplements in fact it is by natural means manufactured in human body as a result of skin color it truly is needed by your body to keep body lime scale degree. It assists suitable development of bone tissues the teeth. And located in 2 major varieties an extremely important component which a human body necessitates. Vitamins Debbie accumulation is really a issue where a man or women massive amount Vitamin D Debbie. which often can brings about really serious health concerns. listed below mentioned are the critical vitamin and mineral d accumulation indications. Vitamins Debbie Toxicity An insufficiency vitamin and mineral Debbie may appear after you are lacking subjection daylight or your skin color lose the ability approach the sun lightweight vitamin and mineral Debbie. a lot of people today vitamin and mineral Debbie vitamin supplements unmindful that the a very important thing is additionally inappropriate and this will injury While the people carry far more vitamin and mineral entire body have to have. The idea can cause an ailment often known as vitamin and mineral Debbie accumulation. This could increase serious challenges within your body. listed below brought up items are the points that generally occur vitamin and mineral Debbie accumulation. Vitamins Debbie Toxicity indications the level of vitamin and mineral Debbie surge in human body primary consequence raised lime scale degree body which leads to induce even more indications consisting of looseness of the bowels, bowel irregularity, sickness. Immediately after weeks times of indications
Think youre thinking about buying a highpriced nutritional supplement to assist together with your coaching Maybe you are at present having an protein wring, multiply vitamin and mineral to go with physical fitness and health guarantee heard wonderful reasons for vitamin supplements and wish to a little more before you get for it completely, considering its really a tad overpriced for most. Even though, drugs powders found substantial benefits they are not fantastic and there a few things to take into account ahead of heavy make use of You must understand at the moment vitamin supplements Nitric Oxide Supplements wonder drugs which will magically cause you to be lean sculpted, as an alternative its going to improve your effectiveness bundled with a good strength training program including a sound eating plan. Here include the criteria before taking What age think youre In case you are even now little theres no rationale to feature this type of nutritional supplement to your program. Alternatively target working out with eating correctly. The use of vitamin supplements when you are within seriously isnt suggested. Before you reach a reasonably excessive era, vitamin supplements might take action sought after consequence. It will contain T Arginine creatine monohydrate which can help increase pulse circulation of blood muscles, hence raising physical measurements. Examine your health and fitness circumstance. In case you have issues perhaps it will injury anyone to carry nutritional supplement. Therefore, search for a health care provider and have an evaluation before taking understand that extented amount of swallowing you can receive higher hardworking liver digestive support enzymes because there is over suggested every day regular a number of substances
Managing allergies may not be the easiest issue for any individual to live a life irrespective of what their ages are. Even so, educating yourself around the condition, you can get a far better idea of the actual way it has effects on your body and how to keep it in check. Consider health and fitness tips to help you keep allergies under control Learn to Recognize Symptoms For many, allergies strikes often creep through to ahead of they understand therere in a situation seems spinning out of control. meticulously keeping track of indications, you will have a far better concept of an episode will Asma Get educated on Medicines A lot of people who are dealt with allergies just comply with health care provider guidance when deciding to take drugs. The truth is you could be a number of drugs they all are obtaining another final result. For example, you might have one particular drugs employed elimination, when another, such as a anabolic steroid, will be used for an increasingly serious episode. Have a Diary with your Symptoms Every person clinically determined to have allergies need to keep newspaper around the indications, it can result in great developments of what can be creating the strikes. Each and every accessibility include indications youre feeling, as well as looking through through the top pass multi meter. Study What is Causing an Attack For lots of asthmatics, understanding what sparks an episode is just how they are able to preserve this sort of great control of condition. Easy weather conditions variations could affect deep breathing capacity understanding could be a possibility to be aware of when the suitable periods to look at drugs those to look at. System a weight loss program that features Contemporary

Source: http://startdaytradingforex.com/throughintake-of-nutritional-chemical-is-the-foremost-potential-for-toxicity-triggers

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Business Process Outsourcing: A Cost-Effective ... - Nearshore Journal

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Source: http://www.nearshorejournal.com/2012/02/business-process-outsourcing-a-cost-effective-alternative-to-get-google-alerts-business-process-outsourcing/

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Specifications For US Residents To Travel In Panama | Reference ...

Panama is starting to become a preferred place to visit, with its miles of coastline, warm breezes, as well as exotic climate. However, if you?re planning a trip to this Central American country, there are a few things you must do in order to ensure a successful trip. These aren?t difficult steps to take, and they?re required by laws and regulations in both Panama as well as the United States. These were set up for the security as well as well being of their travelers, so it?s better to follow them to the letter.


Whether journeying by boat or by plane, you will be required to carry a legitimate passport. The Panamanian government requires that your passport be not less than three months beyond the date of travel to become allowed into the country. Additionally, United States residents will be charged a $5.00 tourist fee that will be paid during the time that you purchase your tickets for travel or make your reservation for your hotel Panama City Panama. Panama is an easy city to check out should you follow these easy steps.

Check In With The Embassy

Even though it is not necessary that you check in with the Embassy when traveling in Panama, it is strongly suggested. If there is record that you are traveling in the country, you?ll be alerted if a security or perhaps safety threat arises, and if suddenly you become ill or lose your passport, the representatives at your Embassy are going to be ready to assist you. It is possible to gain access to the relevant details about the United States Embassy in Panama, and you will also come across an enrollment form online to fill out and submit upon arrival.


You do not have to take an AIDS examination to gain access to Panama; nevertheless, if it is found out that you have AIDS or that you are HIV positive, you will be forced to leave the country. That is a regulation which is hardly ever enforced, but the legal right exists to pressure you to leave the country should your illness is discovered. It is really an effort on the part of the Panamanian government and health department to continue to contain the dispersion of this illness inside their borders.

Restricted Areas

There are some distant areas of Panama in which even Embassy representatives are only allowed to journey with authorization. These regions are off limits to international tourists. Restricted areas include the Darien Province and the San Blas Province. They also include most of the Darien National Park. The rustic nature of these areas pose many health and injury risks, and they are therefore best not traveled. Additionally, it is suggested that tourists avoid the Panama Colombia border because of the ever present drug trade as well terrorist factions that can be located there. It is wise to stay close to the more modern civilization. For a great hotel, Panama City, Panama is the location to look. After only a bit of research you will find the best hotel in Panama City Panama for you and your family.

When planning your trip to Panama, stay at our beautiful and affordable hotel Toscana Inn. For more information, click here Panama hotel Panama.

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Source: http://megastore123.com/reference/2012/02/25/specifications-for-us-residents-to-travel-in-panama/

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Home Improvement | Home Decor Ideas :: By Andy C. Anderson ...

Trends and fads in home decor keep changing with time, and with certain events that have a big impact on human culture. It's very difficult, in that, to pinpoint the best home design for your home if only by following the fads, for you'll have to change decor very often. Through time there had been several classic trends that although change in more specific ways inside, still stay popular and trendy with the public. But there have also been styles that although quite new, are very important not just for staying trendy, but also for survival. Choosing between all of these is indeed a challenge.

One style that has been around for so long is the traditional or classic look. Have you ever been, or at least seen, an ancient ancestral home that has been passed on for generations? Chances are, the style of its home decor is traditional, utilizing gold work or polished bronze or dark cherry wood works. It's a style that speaks of power, of grandeur, of the well-fed tummies of babies born with a silver spoon, of a family legacy dating back hundreds of years and hundreds of thousands. Giving off a feel of nostalgia and reminiscence of glorious times past is what the classic home look is all about.

Another popular home decor style nowadays which is definitely not as old as the classic look is the contemporary or casual look. As its name suggests, this look focuses on the idea of a casual home decor look that is very in our contemporary times. A look such as this is often done through careful looking at interior design magazines, taking note of the simplistic designs especially. The casual look is said to be minimalistic, evoking the Japanese minimalistic styles with their spacious beauty and utilizing a mishmash of glass and plastic for ornaments. Selecting the casual style is good for modernized fast-paced people.

A new trend which can certainly be seen as the effect of a global call for nature awareness is the green home decor style. This style is closely connected to the enduring country or rustic look with their high regard for connecting with nature but with certain differences. The green look stresses the utilization of the earth's renewable resources not just in the form of energy-saving cars and other appliances but also in the other elements of the home. A particular favorite in designing green home decor is the bamboo, an amazingly renewable plant that can be found anywhere and can grow four feet in a day. Finding bamboo-based furniture, cutlery and decorations isn't a hard task nowadays, with the number of people eager to help the earth.

Staying 'in' the trend is important for everybody to feel they belong, but it's also a great idea to celebrate everyone's differences. Having trouble figuring out the best home decor for you? Look into yourself, your personality, favorites, hobbies. Find something you'd be glad to wake up each morning to and sleep each night with. After all, living happily with your home design is the more important than being trendy, isn't it?

Article Source:?http://www.bharatbhasha.net
Article Url: http://www.bharatbhasha.net/home_improvement.php/346572

Article Added on Saturday, February 25, 2012

Source: http://www.bharatbhasha.net/home_improvement.php/346572

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Effective Ways to Reduce Workers&#39; Compensation Claims and ...

Workers? compensation insurance safeguards the employees, injured in the course of employment. In many states of US, it is a mandatory policy and is required by every company with employees.

Despite of all the preventive measures, instances of workplace injuries are increasing every year, forcing the business owners to spend huge amounts on compensation claims. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), nearly 3.1 million non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses were reported among private industry employers in 2010.

Hence, it is necessary for every employer to implement effective safety measures, not only to reduce compensation claims, but also to improve workplace safety and employee security.

Employing a comprehensive program, tailored to suit the organization?s specific needs and goals, helps the organization decrease the frequency as well as the severity of injuries at workplace. Following are few ways that can help you in establishing a risk free workplace, which further aid in reducing workers? compensation claims and related costs.

Implement risk controlling measures
Employees working in industries, manufacturing plants, construction sites, etc., are often prone to on-job injuries and accidents. Working with heavy equipment using hazardous material raises employee safety concerns. Hence, every employer needs to follow a series of steps to improve workplace safety. These steps include ? risk identification, risk assessment and risk control.

Risk identification is identifying the possible hazard/risk. A hazard is anything that could hurt the employee or any other third party. For example, damaged or frayed electric cables are potential sources of accidents at workplaces.

Risk assessment involves finding of all the potential outcomes of identified risks/hazards and the seriousness of the damage they could cause. In the above mentioned example, frayed electric cables, the harm could be an electrical shock.

Risk control is nothing but fixing the hazards. The employer should eliminate the hazard; if not, should at least try to make hazards less dangerous. Replacing the damaged electric cords with new ones is one of the risk control measures to avoid electrical shocks.

Risk controlling measures vary according to the nature of the vulnerabilities. However, effectiveness of any step lies in proper review and implementation of safety measures on a regular basis.

Provide safety training to the employees
The next best way to reduce workplace injuries is by emphasizing on-job safety during training. Provide safety training to all the employees about safe handling of equipment, possible risks in the workplace, company safety rules and procedures, emergency procedures (usage of fire extinguishers, etc.), importance of personal protective equipment required on the job, etc. This kind of training helps employees acquire all the skills and knowledge required to be safe in the job location.

For instance, if a worker?s job involves working with sharp objects like broken glass, rusty metals, etc., his potential risks would be cuts and punctures on the skin. These risks could be avoided by providing hand gloves, and by offering an effective training on how to handle such things safely.

Be aware of the fraudulent claims
Insurance fraud occurs when the employees purposely provide some false information to receive the benefits of the claim. According to the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, insurance fraud costs consumers, employers and insurance carriers at least $80 billion each and every year. Among which, worker?s compensation insurance fraud alone accounts for a considerable percentage.

Use efficient software to track claim costs
Automating and tracking your workers? compensation claims process is another best way to reduce claim costs. Using effective claims management software eases your work as well as makes the process more accurate. With the help of such software you can instantly see all the expenses by the employee, type of injury, etc. It thus helps you save time and money besides taking control of your workers? compensation claims.

Source: http://www.wvqualitycoalition.org/effective-ways-to-reduce-workers-compensation-claims-and-related-costs/

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Erica Sandberg: Do debt management plans hurt your credit score?

By Erica?Sandberg

Opening Credits

Question for the CreditCards.com expert

Dear Opening Credits,
My wife and I have decided to enroll for a debt management plan. The decision was based on the fact that, although our credit score is good currently, we were not making any dents in paying down our debt (roughly $35,000) by making slightly-above-minimum payments on each account every month. We have never missed a payment nor been delinquent, but we are hopeful this plan will get us out from under this in a much shorter time span. We do also have a mortgage and two car loans, which we also have never been late on nor missed a payment. How severely do you think our credit score will be impacted? The balances on the cards enrolled in the program were near maxed out already, so I cannot imagine the impact being much more negative than it already is. Also, our one car is a lease that will expire while we are under this DMP plan. Will I be able to extend or obtain financing for a car while on this program? -- Jim?

Answer for the CreditCards.com expertDear Jim,
How great that you and your wife put your collective feet down. Acting as a unified force, you banded together and said, "Enough is enough! We're getting out debt, even if that means ruining our credit!"

But hold up, Jim. It seems you're a little confused about what makes a good or bad credit rating. Many people presume that their scores must be high because they have never missed a payment cycle or if offers for new accounts continue to flow in, then they're shocked when they find out otherwise. The only way to tell is by checking, so pull your reports from the three credit reporting bureaus and get a hold of your FICO scores from MyFico.com.

How does a Debt Management Plan (DMP) affect a score, though? It doesn't. FICO scoring models only draw from the data listed on a consumer credit report. Paying debts with the assistance of a third-party is not factored in at all. Here are the five components that play into a FICO credit score:

Payment history (35 percent): This is the most significant part of your credit score, and it includes how you've paid on all of your accounts. It also assesses anything in collections, if you've filed for bankruptcy or owe legal judgments and fines. With a debt management plan, you'll continue to make steady payments, so unless you skip a cycle when you start the plan, you will still be doing well.

Amounts owed (30 percent): The second-weightiest factor is how much you owe in relation to the amount you can borrow. If you're at your limit (which you are), your scores will suffer. As you delete the debt, however, they will rise. Because the repayment time frame for a DMP is three to five years, if you stick to the schedule, it will help in this area.

Length of credit history (15 percent): Now this is where a debt management plan?can be problematic. While you're on the plan, you're expected to not get into any new credit contracts. If you don't have an open card (clients are usually permitted to have one active account), not using credit at all can be detrimental. Still, this is a minor factor when compared to payment history and amounts owed. If you do have a card, use it wisely as you're deleting the debt to help your score climb.

New credit (10 percent): Each time you apply for credit, your score will drop a bit. Therefore, not pursuing credit -- as stipulated in the DMP agreement -- will help you stay out of over-application trouble.

Types of credit used (10 percent): Lenders want to know how you've done with many types of financial obligations. Since you have a home and car loan as well as a lease, you're proving that you can handle multiple financial obligations.

Regarding your car lease, there are no rules surrounding debt management plans and reapplication. However, lenders and other businesses who see the notation on your credit report are free to make a negative, neutral or positive determination about participation. To find out what your leasing company thinks, call and ask. The more you know now, the better.

See related: FICO's 5 factors: The components of a FICO credit score

Erica Sandberg's articles and insight are featured in such publications as the Wall Street Journal, Pregnancy, Babytalk, Redbook, Bank Investment Consultant, Prosper.com, MSNMoney.com, and Smartmoney.com. An active television and radio commentator, Erica is the credit and money management expert for San Francisco?s KRON-TV, a frequent guest on Forbes Video Network, Fox Business News, Businessweek-TV, and all Bay Area networks. Prior to launching her own reporting and consulting business, she was affiliated with Consumer Credit Counseling Services of San Francisco where she counseled individuals, conducted educational workshops, and led the media relations department. Erica is a member of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers, and on the advisory committee for Project Money.

Send your question to Erica.

Published: February 22, 2012

Source: http://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/erica-sandberg-debt-management-plans-credit-scores-1377.php

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Web Home based business: five Suggestions To generate Your Site ...

Your web site can help you be successful using your work at home businesses, or it could cause you to fall short if it?s not necessarily optimally build. In order on your world-wide-web home business to become productive, your internet site have to properly build to ensure it attracts the traffic you?ll need, and to ensure the customers who will occur to the web page is likely to make you some income. What hints have to you heed so as to ensure that that your internet site will effectively showcase your goods or expert services and stimulate guests to truly acquire from you?

A tidy and skilled wanting website is very critical if you?d like your world-wide-web home business to thrive. Your web site is your retailer front, and you also really need to develop excellent first impressions, or else you drop potential clients.

Anything your internet home based business, you have got a great deal of opponents; you can find countless other Free Tarot corporations and web sites from which clients can choose from. Web page surfers and buyers hope an reliable and simple to navigate site in which they will very easily get what they?re trying to find. It is thus essential that you just have a internet site which happens to be easy navigate. This implies that your website have to obviously present whatever you are advertising; data and images of the merchandise you?re giving should be easy to uncover in the purchasing portion of the website; and they need to be very apparent to view. It is additionally important that your pages load promptly. Several customers favor several solutions for finishing an purchase type and paying out to the items or companies; so it really is significant that you offer you these selections of your respective internet site for the shoppers, normally you?ll reduce shoppers and prospective sales and profits.

Your web site is there to make you capital, so use several procedures that persuade visitors to order. It is actually for that reason vital which you present your internet site in these kinds of a way that every visitor or client is offered with the opportunity to browse your website and also to buy much more. Far more sales and profits means your internet home based business will succeed.

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Shoppers should experience secure when they do online business transactions or purchases. It is actually as a result important to acquire your get in touch with particulars on your internet site if you prefer your web home based business to realize success. After-purchase service is incredibly crucial, specifically for on the net transactions. It can be for that reason crucial that prospects know who you are and how to make contact with you just after they have designed a purchase, or when they want additional information regarding your services or products just before they determine to obtain. Your speak to data must be plainly observable in your site. The results of your respective net home-based business depends in your credibility ? and the first move in building your credibility would be to be easily readily available for your buyers.

It?s also vital that you test your websites email messages often in the event you can find a purchaser needing some aid. You will have to be accessible as needed so that you continue to keep your enterprise operating easily and your shoppers satisfied, which perhaps creates repeat company to suit your needs.

For the net home-based business to get prosperous, it?s essential you continually develop your site or products/services, and you simply can obtain this by having a suggestions sort on the web site. For your internet home business to do well inside the long expression, you need to be continuously improving upon your program and goods, and stay in tune along with your customers wants. By making certain that your web site has the 5 capabilities outlined above, your world wide web home-based business is going to be productive and successful.

written and posted on Friday by Dennis L.

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Source: http://westernbankofcheyenne.com/529

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Apple Pie Turnovers | Weelicious ? - Fast, Easy & Fresh ...

Winter doesn?t offer the same kind of variety of fruit to choose from that other seasons do, but one thing that most people can get their hands on locally in the cooler months are a wide array of apples. One can often find my kids munching away on an apple or two at breakfast time or as their dessert after dinner, but they also get super excited about these delectable Apple Pie Turnovers.

These handheld turnovers aren?t anything like the baked apple pies made with stuff like palm oil and high fructose corn syrup that you got as a kid from at McDonald?s (and probably loved in spite of what they put in them). These Apple Pie Turnovers are made with cubes of fresh apples, ground cinnamon and a touch of brown sugar which gives them a yummy caramel flavor. You can even freeze a few so that all you have to do whenever you are craving one (or two) is pop them in the oven and within 20 minutes you?ll have a applicious treat to warm you up in winter or make everyone jealous come spring!

Apple Pie Turnovers (Makes 12 Turnovers)

1 Large Apple, peeled, cored & diced (About 1 Cup)
1 Tsp Ground Cinnamon
3 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1 Box Pie Crust or Weelicious Pie Crust
1 Egg Yolk for Wash

1. Preheat oven to 425? F.
2. Toss the first 3 ingredients in a bowl and set aside.
3. Roll your pie crust to 1/4 inch thick, or if you are using pre-made pie crust, just unroll it on a parchment-lined or floured surface.
4. Take one 4-inch round cookie cutter (or the top of a drinking glass) and cut out circles out of the pie crust.
5. Place 2 teaspoons of the apple mixture in the center of the circle.
6. Brush some egg yolk on the edge of one side of half the circle.
7. Bring both sides of the circle up to the center, similar to a taco, and seal both edges together.
8. Lay the turnover on to its side and use the tines of a fork to seal the edges.
9. Continue to make the remaining turnovers.
10. Use a toothpick to poke 3-4 holes in the top of each turnover and brush with the yolk wash.*
11. Bake for 18 minutes.
12. Cool and serve.

*Apple Pie Turnovers can be placed on baking sheets int the freezer for one hour and then placed in labeled containers for freezing up to 3 months. When ready to bake, bake for 20 minutes in oven at 425? F.

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Source: http://weelicious.com/2012/02/21/apple-pie-turnovers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=apple-pie-turnovers

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Monday, February 20, 2012

ElsaElsa.com ? The Astrology Blog ? Introduction To Juno In The ...

Introduction To Juno In The Natal Chart

February 19th, 2012 @ 5:30 am by Satori

?And that?s what makes this a great game, is the support and the commitment that the fans give the game.?
?Nolan Ryan, Sagittarius Juno in the 9th house

Juno glyphJuno is most commonly known as the marriage asteroid and in myth the feminine counterpart to Zeus (Jupiter). Taken at its simplest, however, it is the mark of commitment in general. While we are most familiar with the role commitment takes in relationships, commitment is also touted as the determining factor for success in most areas of life.

In assessing your own Juno placement it is important to note not only the sign but also its house position. Juno?s sign will color the type of energy one?s commitment embodies as well as what sort of things one will deem commitment worthy. Juno?s house position represents the area of focus where one is likely to commit. Nolan Ryan serves as a very famous example of a Sagittarian, 9th house Juno. Sports and therefore baseball are Sagittarian (9th house) pursuits. With his Juno conjunct Venus his investment in the game of baseball made him a household name long beyond his actual career.

The aspects Juno makes to other planets and to the angles will flavor that commitment as well as bringing the energy of commitment to the functions of those placements. For example, an individual with Juno conjunct Venus may value constancy. Juno conjunct Mars makes for the kind of person that really ?brings it? when they commit to action, because they are ?all in.?

Where is your Juno and to what are you committed?

Consult with Satori

79 Responses to ?Introduction To Juno In The Natal Chart?

Source: http://www.elsaelsa.com/astrology/2012/02/19/juno-in-the-natal-chart/

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Environmentally Responsible With Your Home Appliances Repair or ...

When a tool of trust is damaged, it can be tempting to just throw away damaged equipment and get each other so it can return to normal as quickly as possible. However, this mindset is not only expensive for your wallet, but also for the environment. No matter what the situation, there are a number of environmentally friendly solutions available for your device. If possible, get the oven stove, need, or repair of the refrigerator is a major choice. If it is not necessary to make repairs on the front, you can always go the way of recycling, with the help of emergency services in metal. Whatever your situation of the machine, going green is always possible.

The frustration can be enormous when your dishwasher faithful, washing machine or dryer breaks down. There is never a good time for this kind of damage, and for many people, the natural impulse is to solve the problem with the way the fastest and most efficient way possible. For most people, this means leaving the damaged equipment and new entrants, however, it is possible to perform a dishwasher, washing machine, dryer or repair is not completely remove the old and install a new machine, which is by far the best choice environmentally friendly. By selecting a drive repair tool, you can avoid environmental accidents in new packaging and materials transportation, not to mention the environmental costs of disposing of old machines.

While repairing the damaged equipment is an ideal solution, will, of course, times when the tool you really have until the end of his life. In this scenario, you have no choice but to get a new machine. The good news is that you still can make choices that are environmentally friendly, although you need to dispose of an appliance. Will most likely be a company in your area who practice recycling of metals and collectibles. In many cases, waste transportation company offering the kind of help, and they sometimes do as a free service. When properly collected and processed, scrap old appliances can actually have both a long and productive life. In fact, two of the three pounds of steel produced in the United States comes from scrap. This type of large-scale recycling will make your old equipment from landfills and will let you know what you are doing your part to keep the construction

Source: http://www.cap1sucks.com/environmentally-responsible-with-your-home-appliances-repair-or-appliance-disposal-choices/.html

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

[OOC] Maid Candy Shoppe

Forum rules
This forum is for OOC discussion about existing roleplays.

Please post all "Players Wanted" threads in the Roleplayers Wanted forum!

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Maid Candy Shoppe?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Maid Candy Shoppe"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.

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Reserve the sweet one please!

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Member for 1 years

I would like to reserve a maid but I usually play a trouble-maker or one that is easily tricked. I could try the sour one since she seems the closest to one of those.

My Music Ratings-
Paramore= Awesomeness
Fall Out boy= Head banging time!
Justin Beiber= I'm Deaf
Cody Simpson= Somebody kill me now

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You can edit the sour-one's personality to your likings, if you wish. :)

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May i have the smart one please? I hope she isn 't taken already

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Member for 0 years

She isn't taken, so you may have her.

I believe with the Smart One, we now have all the maids taken.

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Hi, May I reserve the The Demon Lord please? I'm heading out in a few minutes so I don't have enough time to complete the chracter sheet. But I promise to be done with it when I get home :'D

Soki: but what did my face do to you before?
ICry: Lol what? "but whats on my face? Whore?"
Soki: No, that''s not what I said -Lhfao-

-ICryForAFamily & Soki 11/12/10

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Alright. I'm going to bed anyway :)

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